Thursday, March 4, 2010

The burden of a Cross, Red Cross or "God's"?

Ok, I am not a very relegious person. I have nothing for or against any relegion in this world and this article is not meant to insult the sensitivities of any particular relegion/faith. It is merely a description of events that unfolded over the last 24 hours and the judgements and conclusion is left for the reader to make.I am still showing the sensitivity to maintain the names of the individuals involved and the organisation anonymous (and I dont know why im being so nice!!!)

Our protagonist is a Senior doctor who worked in a christian management hospital in Trivandrum City for the last 2.5 years. Ohh let me mention, a Senior "Hindu" doctor. When he joined this organisation there were 4 other specialists of his kind in that dept. Over 2 yrs this no. dwindled down to just him and another christian doc. Now, our protagonist in this story built up quiet a booming practice for himself over these years owing to certain reasons like: his rates being much lower than the other doc, he being in the hospital 7 days a week unlike the 3 days put in by the other doc, and his dedication and profeciency definitely not being the least of the reasons.

The last 3-4 months his income (and thereby the hospital's as well) was steadily increasing to the discomfort of this other christian doctor.

Suddenly yesterday, the father (Of the church kinds) calls this Hindu doc to his room to inform him that the Bishop's house has recognised a replacement (not surprisingly another christian doctor) and asked him to leave the hospital. Over the congratulatory atmosphere where this doc had done so well for the Hospital and himself, there is no need to mention the shock this came up as. On being enquired regarding the reason behind the termination, the Father mentioned that the Bishop's house recieved a couple of complaints regarding the doc's work but was not very explanatory regarding the nature of the complaint. Now the increasing numbers, the patient's behaviour, the feedback provided by each patient leaving the hospitals have all been to this day contradictory to this statement and shows that the episode is just stuff and nonsense.

Then this Hindu Doc mentioned that since there were 4 people in this dept when he joined is there a concern if a 3rd doc joined now and he still continued, to which he was told that he may definitely continue coming to the hosp in the evenings, but mornings have to be dedicated to the other 2.
I would like your comments and judgements on this article and am ending this with the following few observations/questions:
  1. If the doc's conduct was so bad there were complaints, the normal step would be to mention the incident and asked for explanations, especially given that he had done so well. Yes/No?
  2. Under normal circumstances the complaint would be provided to the hospital managment and not the Bishop under whom there are so many organisations. And how manyt laymen like you and me would go beyond the mngmt of the institution upto the Bishop's house? Definitely, shows the hand of somenone insecure and with enough influence. Yes/No?
  3. If the doctor was truly not good, doesn't explain his increasing popularity, record breaking cases the hospital was getting the last few months under him, the return of all his patient with relatives/other needs, satisfactory feedback forms and fall of patients for the other doc.Yes/ No?
  4. In case this doc was truly bad why ask him to continue working in the hospital in the evenings, only making place for the new doc in the mornings?
  5. When there were eventually 5 people in this dept. why the sudden concern against placing even 3. Whom is this "Bishop's House/Church": trying to protect and ensure gets all the money coming in from the popularity the hospital gained under the other doctor?
  6. What are the chances that the other doc has been already identified, is a chritstian and is being recommended straight by this busy man, the "Bishop" who Im sure has more on his hands than to check the status/erformance of each individual?again brought to notice by someone else insecure and influential?
  7. Last but not the least, if this is the situation of the doctor's in the hospital, what guarantee that the patient's will not be biased against and treated based on their relegion?
Since this is clear case of discomfort against a person of another relegion doing unexpectedly well in a christian management run hospital, and hence an effort to ensure all that money only goes to another of their God's son and no one else, I'd like to quote someone  who said "religious believers commit ultimate blasphemy by thinking they need to protect their gods rather than their gods protecting them."


  1. Well written Archana. Cant believe ther r people act like this. A bishop determining who shud b the doctor in a hospital. Demo"crazy" in the Xtian way!

  2. Minorities are cornered everywhere...Hindu in a Christian Hospital... tamils in SL, Muslims/Dalits in India, Sikhs/Hindus in Pakistan... Blacks in US... This is becoming an unwritten democracy...

  3. Couldnt believe this when i read it....When are things going to change?

  4. hmmm. i wudnt hv blvd it either if id heard it smwr. experience is a bitter lesson...

  5. Just stumbled on your blogs and going through them from today morning. Just out of curiosity, what happened next? Will the protagonist be served justice? Reading through the blogs I presume am able to decipher who the protagonist is.

    1. Hi,
      Well the protagonist moved on. The hospital got it's way. Relegion scored yet another victory on humanity.
