Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rudeness Personified

This is the latest occurring in the series of 'lovely relatives' rant posts that I mean to keep posting here.

Last day the most darling among my relatives, someone that the whole family loves to hate, gives me a call on my mobile. I definitely do a double take when I see the caller id announce the name (as we are not in talking terms these days cos of....well only this person knows why.) Anyways, I answer the phone and get a curt "aa entha" (roughly pronounced as "what?") for a greeting. I am obviously surprised and hence manage a polite "entha uncle" with a smile in my voice and all that  (fortunately, though the same bloodline and all, my parents have taught me basic manners). To which he replies "Why did you call?". Now, since I obviously didn't do anything as stupid as that, I told him I did not call, to which the reply was....none. He just cut the line. Just like that.

Well I did check my phone and didn't have any outgoing to his number. But whether there was any or not, the rudeness really is beyond my understanding.

Repeat lesson - Age has got nothing to do with maturity. Grow Up Dude, while you still have some time left!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The new Theory of Relativity

"With all the expected exceptions considered, the further you live from your relatives and the lesser you interact with them the better the relationship progresses and the longer it can be maintained."
I know this sounds rather mean but this tenure in Trivandrum, where I had to be dependent on/ live in close circles with some relatives gave me an 'oppurtunity' to interact with and hence come to the aforementioned conclusion.
Though not very pleasant, a series of various incidents related (there is that word again) to various individuals sparked a lot of new entries in my journal. (Yes, I am weird that way. I do maintain a journal , or as some of you may point and laugh and state "I write a 'diary'").

Anyways, Some of these thoughts, after being filtered off the explicits and other such, shall now be subjects for a new series of 'relativity' blog posts. And, if one day I become a famous blogger and the subjects of the incidents happen to read and recognise their roles, well I am truly unapologetic about my future writing successes. *evil grin* as that is the least I can do to return the favors. Buhahahhaha...