They say, men will always be kids at heart. In other words "boys will be boys"? I definitely believe this. And, unlike most people who say this as a judgement or criticism, I say this with a tad bit of envy. :)
Here is why...
Call it the upbringing, call it the social requirement or norms, women, as they grow up are always taught to be "responsible". We grow up listening to, reading and watching so much about this societal expectation that we mold ourselves to BECOME the adult. The responsible, worried, caring mother; the supportive, always by you, yet strong wife; the perfect "homemaker", the peace and soul of the home etc. Ad no, it is not a burden at all. Instead, we simply grow into and become "this" person. In fact, we love and look forward to these roles and they make us happy ad glow and smile inside. However, traditionally what seems to be happening in this process is that many of us loose touch completely, with the fun loving, naughty, sports loving, arts loving, outdoor and dirt loving little girls that we were.

Now, coming to the guys. And here is where the tables turn. :D
Unlike us girls who are learning to and finding ways to keep in touch with the little girls, men REMAIN the little boys they always were. For them, the effort is not to keep that child alive, but more like to keep that child reigned in at appropriate times. THAT IS SO LUCKY. For most of the men I know and love, the thing I love the most about them is exactly how much fun they have/are by continuing to be what they essentially always were. I have heard women tell their men so many times "Can you be serious at all? ever?". I know, it can get frustrating when you are at the receiving end of the 'naughty boy tantrum' while you are dying to discuss something earth shattering. But, lets face it, if not for this naughty, irritating, lovable cave"men" in our lives who don't listen and yet want to drive away our problems with clubs (pun intended ;)), the world would be such a tortuously slow, boring, painful and serious place.
Additionally I feel that it is exactly this "boys will be boys" attitude that men have, that their needs are usually pretty simple as well. TV, beer, junk food, a little outdoor action, some indoor "action", and some pretty people to stare at, and they are good to go for life. :D I also believe that it is exactly this child inside that has been molded by many guys into 'Let's just make the most of this life' attitude towards the greatest disaster that has stuck them, tuck their chin up and battle it on with a smile on their face. (Yes, I am again talking about my father and his strength, Daddy's little girl that I always am). No matter all the heartbreaks I have suffered in this lifetime (and mostly because of the guys that have come and gone, mind you) I sincerely believe that it is the simple, yet irritating childishness of the strongest men I am lucky to have in my life, be it my dad or my friends, that has helped me stay grounded and face the toughest situations ever.
In conclusion, I'd say, that women who are fun and happy along with being strong and capable, are people who have put an effort to keep in touch with the little girls inside and become some of the best people to be around; whereas, the best of the men I know, are those who have managed to mold the naughty little brat in them into a loving, caring, sweet, strong, smart yet mischievous , handful of a fellow.
The tact and timing is all that matters, not this thing call 'growing up'.
u r pretty right about "US"...atleast me :D. But most of the time i guess people confuse "maturity" with a "Non-Smiling" look on a face. If you are THIS smiling guy, u will get hear wat u said "Can you be serious at all? ever?".. or "GROW UP DUDE". well i feel proud to say tht i still hve the KID in me, which is pretty visible ;)... about the wrting - com'on arch, do u even need it!!!