Last evening, I was chatting away with a friend(thats something

I might cover in another article if I stop deleting every single one that I start to write about this situation), an interesting chat that started a couple of weeks back. However, last evening was one of those irritating conversations that don't make head or tail and everyone talking is either angry, irritated or just tired and is rubbing off the same feeling on others.
And thats when I realized how we overused a few very meaningless and irritating words and phrases especially at times either to end the conversation or just did not have any response to the many questions being raised.
A few of the most annoying words & phrases that I find in daily conversations may be:
1.Pissed Off: Well, thats the first thing I told this friend last night when he took one look at my face and asked what was wrong and why I wasn't displaying my mind blowing, radiant and ever present smile (ha ha ha). It beats me why I cant say angry or irritated and why pissed off seems to represent in any sense what I feel cos to piss has got nothing to do with it!. And when asked if I was 'pissed off' at him? myself? "I dunno" I said.
2. I dunno: What???!!! Isn't that like screaming at the top of my voice "D-Uh! I'm dumb". I evidently made a profound statement telling someone I was pissed, which, I knew would definitely raise questions and to those I answered 'I dunno'! Or rather when I was told by this person that he is rude and insensitive and very capable of walking away from any person/friends and when obviously asked "why?" gave me the reply "I dunno".Well!!! At least we are even. And the conversation last night? Well it sucked!
3. It sucks: Can't help wondering what sucks what. Is it some clever and short way of saying that Life sucks the blood out of one? I'm not sure. But I do have the word in my vocab as well and, well, its "My Bad" :((( .
4. My Bad: Thats one slang I'm proud to say even I have never been able to adopt. My Bad??? I mean doesn't that sound ridiculous even before u finish saying it? Whatever!!!
5. Whatever: A stand alone word saying something very vague. To be honest my escapist favorite word. If you hear me say it (and i overdid it last night), get this - either I don't want to go on with the conversation or maybe I just have nothing more to say and I couldn't care less.
6. I could care less: Err...what? Could u explain. Well actually it doesn't even mean the right thing if u r trying to say "I don't care". Cos then you might just say "I Couldn't care less" - which would imply u can't care less bout something than u already do and hence "don't care". If you could care less then doesn't it mean u care a little bit? Wow!!!
7. WOW!!!: Yes, one more of my common escapist quotes, used when I'm totally speechless and don't know what more to say. I hope when I use the word it conveys by shock and speechlessness, and not my appreciation (like its meant to in English)
8. Anyways: Well, I really really have to get that off my list. I'm embarrassed to say that the word suddenly made an appearance especially in my chat conversation last evening and its not even a word. I haven't figured why anyone uses it and what its supposed to mean.
I'm sure there are many more such weird meaningless words n phrases that we use. But, to be very honest (even with myself) this whole article came up only because of my failed attempt to write one about the unexpected friend, the unexplainable situation and this particular disturbing conversation. Something that I desperately need to get off my chest and need to write down into words jut to try and analyze it better but haven't been able to think of the right words or thoughts to even start penning down. And hence, int his attempt to side track the real topic, the best I could come up with is the words that were used...the most meaningless words of the whole conversation.